Dave Jones, Barry Lomax & Janice Lake visit K-COSEM in South Korea
By Dr. Dave Jones, Geochemist at the British Geological Survey (BGS)

The author(s) would like to acknowledge the financial support of the UK CCS Research Centre (www.ukccsrc.ac.uk) in carrying out this work. The UKCCSRC is funded by the EPSRC as part of the RCUK Energy Programme.
The visit concluded with lunch in a traditional Korean
restaurant in the nearby town, where the male overseas visitors, in particular,
struggled with sitting on the floor at very low tables! After lunch we were
taken to see the greenhouse experiments at Kyung Hee University. Initial short-term
studies have investigated the effects of higher soil CO2 on
germination of different plant species (cabbage, corn, beans and wheat) and on
soil physical and microbial parameters. Oxygen depletion and pH were found to
be more important factors in retarding germination than CO2 itself.
Soil CO2 concentrations of 10% did not prevent germination. Wheat
was the most tolerant species to higher CO2 and soil microbial
parameters were not sensitive to short term exposure. Future experiments were
being set up involving blueberries and other shrub species, where established
plants will be exposed to different levels of CO2. As the addition
of CO2 displaces O2 it can be difficult to unravel the
relative impacts of higher CO2 and O2 depletion. However,
the effect of O2 depletion alone can be tested by injecting inert N2
in place of CO2.

The author(s) would like to acknowledge the financial support of the UK CCS Research Centre (www.ukccsrc.ac.uk) in carrying out this work. The UKCCSRC is funded by the EPSRC as part of the RCUK Energy Programme.
Dave Jones from BGS, Barry Lomax from Nottingham University
and Janice Lake from Sheffield University visited South Korea with funding from
the UKCCSRC International Research Collaboration Fund. The aim of the visit was
to develop links with the K-COSEM (Korea CO2 Storage Environmental
Management) Research Center in South Korea and explore possible collaboration between
K-COSEM and the GeoEnergy Test Bed facility being developed jointly by the
University of Nottingham and BGS.
We joined a group of other international researchers invited
to Korea by K-COSEM – Curt Oldenburg from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and
Weon Shik Han from University of Wisconsin, both in the USA; Bernhard Mayer from University of
Calgary, Canada and Chris Consoli from GCCSI in Australia.
On our first full day in Seoul we all presented our work at
the 6th International Environment Forum for CCS in Seoul. Janice and
Barry talked about possible environmental consequences from a CO2
pipeline leak whilst I gave an account of some of our near surface monitoring
work at Weyburn. The presentations of the other international invitees and
Korean researchers covered the status of CO2 storage worldwide and
aspects of leakage risk assessment, monitoring and potential impacts.
The following day we visited the K-COSEM field experimental
site at Eumseong, south of Seoul. At the site they are developing two separate
facilities, one looking at potential environmental impacts of leakage on plants
and microbes and near surface monitoring, the other focussed on groundwater
monitoring and impacts. We were given a tour of the sites in very hot and humid
conditions and shown the layout of crops (currently maize and beans) that will
be subjected to elevated CO2 concentrations in the soil. This will
be done through 5 separate 10 m long leakage zones in a 50 m long horizontal
well at 2.5 m depth; a similar configuration to the ZERT site in Montana and
Ginninderra in Australia. The groundwater test site is a short distance away
with monitoring boreholes already in place and planning underway for a CO2
injection well. This site will test both geophysical and geochemical monitoring
methods and examine potential impacts on drinking water.
The site has ~30m of soil and alluvium sitting on weathered
granite with fresh fractured bedrock at a depth of about 65 m. Unusually for
such test injection sites the water table is at a depth of around 15 m, so
shallow injection will be in the vadose zone. Site characterisation has
established the geology of the site, the physical, chemical and mineralogical
properties of the substrate and the baseline groundwater conditions.
The next morning we were given tours of the War Memorial of
Korea (Korean War Museum) and the Secret
Garden within the Changdokkung Palace complex. Having only the sketchiest
understanding of the partition of the peninsular into North and South Korea the
museum was very informative. We had no idea that so many nations had answered
the UN call to support South Korea, including Ethiopia, Colombia, Thailand and
the Philippines!
That afternoon was devoted to a seminar at Korea University
where we all made a further presentation, mainly to students involved with
K-COSEM. I spoke about some recent continuous monitoring BGS and University of
Rome have carried out at a site of low-level natural CO2 seepage
near the main Rome (Fiumicino) airport. Janice and Barry presented work on the
potential impacts of CO2 pipeline leakage covering temperature
effects on UK soils and plant responses to hypothetical insidious leakage of CO2.
Our final working morning was spent in discussing possible
collaboration between K-COSEM and the various overseas institutions
represented. This was a key part of our agenda for the visit and we gave short
presentations on the GeoEnergy Research Centre, that has been set up by
University of Nottingham and BGS, and the Plant Science facilities at Sheffield
University. We followed this with discussion of established research links
between the UK and South Korea, such as that between EPSRC and the Korean
Science Foundation, and other options, such as the range of possible fellowship
opportunities open to overseas candidates.
That afternoon I boarded the high speed express train
(French TGV technology) to Daejeon where I visited Dr. Insun Song and
colleagues at KIGAM (effectively the Korean Geological Survey). After
presenting some of our work from Weyburn at a seminar for KIGAM staff I was
able to discuss possible avenues for collaboration with Korean counterparts
over dinner before whizzing back to Seoul.
Our final Saturday in Seoul before returning back to the UK
gave us an opportunity to see a little more of the city, with a visit to the
National Museum of Korea. We were also forced to sample some of the finer local
beers (well we had to shelter somewhere from the torrential rain)!
We would like to thank UKCCSRC for supporting our visit and
to give special thanks to Professor Seong-Taek Yun and all his K-COSEM
colleagues for making all the arrangements and for their wonderful hospitality.
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